Sexual and asexual reproduction are obviously two different ways of producing offsprings. How are they different? How are they similar? Is one better than the other? No, one is not better than the other. Each one has their own advantages and disadvantages. As you can see in the chart, the two most obvious differences are that asexual reproduction is done by one parent, while sexual reproduction requires two parents to be done. There are actually a few more similarities and differences that you may not know.

For one, asexual reproduction uses mitosis while sexual reproduction uses meiosis. On the upside, sexual reproduction allows for a variety of genetics that go into their offspring. On the other hand, asexual reproduction is just an exact copy of the parent producing the offspring. An obvious similarity is that both produce offspring, and that each has a minimum of one offspring produced at a time.
In science class, we have done 3 dissections, the frog dissection being the most major. Of course, we have those who we call surgeons that perform surgery on real people. The frog dissection helps us get a bit of a feel for that. But, without these dissections on animals, how would our surgeons learn? Would they be as trained as they are without being taught to cut open animals first?

Of course they wouldn't be trained well. Surgeons didn't just naturally learn to perform surgery on actual people; they had to dissect animals first. Without this practice, surgeons would definitely fail at their jobs. The frog dissection definitely helps me appreciate the jobs that surgeons do. Honestly, I did feel kind of weird cutting open a frog. I couldn't imagine cutting open an actual person that was STILL ALIVE. It's pretty amazing what surgeons do for us, although we don't always acknowledge it.