Sexual and asexual reproduction are obviously two different ways of producing offsprings. How are they different? How are they similar? Is one better than the other? No, one is not better than the other. Each one has their own advantages and disadvantages. As you can see in the chart, the two most obvious differences are that asexual reproduction is done by one parent, while sexual reproduction requires two parents to be done. There are actually a few more similarities and differences that you may not know.

For one, asexual reproduction uses mitosis while sexual reproduction uses meiosis. On the upside, sexual reproduction allows for a variety of genetics that go into their offspring. On the other hand, asexual reproduction is just an exact copy of the parent producing the offspring. An obvious similarity is that both produce offspring, and that each has a minimum of one offspring produced at a time.
In science class, we have done 3 dissections, the frog dissection being the most major. Of course, we have those who we call surgeons that perform surgery on real people. The frog dissection helps us get a bit of a feel for that. But, without these dissections on animals, how would our surgeons learn? Would they be as trained as they are without being taught to cut open animals first?

Of course they wouldn't be trained well. Surgeons didn't just naturally learn to perform surgery on actual people; they had to dissect animals first. Without this practice, surgeons would definitely fail at their jobs. The frog dissection definitely helps me appreciate the jobs that surgeons do. Honestly, I did feel kind of weird cutting open a frog. I couldn't imagine cutting open an actual person that was STILL ALIVE. It's pretty amazing what surgeons do for us, although we don't always acknowledge it. 
As you may know, all of the 7th graders here went to the Chaffee Zoo! It was both for enjoyment and for educational purposes. Some people may have enjoyed it more than others. Now is the time to reflect on something: Did I actually LEARN anything while visiting the zoo?

To be quite honest, I didn't learn as much as I expected. I definitely didn't learn anything new about my animal, the Madagascar Tree Boa. But, I did learn a few things about some of the other animals. But, for the most part, I just had fun watching the animals. While I was visiting my animal in the Reptile House, I tried to find some similarities and differences with the information. The only thing I found out is that it is true that the boa is nocturnal. When I saw it, the boa wasn't very active. Overall, I think the zoo trip for me was more for pleasure than it was for education.
How does a rainbow form? Is it just a miracle that can't be explained? Of course not! There's almost always a scientific explanation for things. This is one of those things. So, how do rainbows form?

In case you don't know, rainbows are an arch of different colors of light that form in the air. The thing is, how do these form? Well, the reason we see them is due to water droplets. These form different waves of light. our eyes see different waves as different colors. This pretty much explains the different colors of light that form in the sky. In conclusion, rainbows are formed by a combination of water droplets and the way we see different waves of light. 
Why is the sky blue? So many people today constantly ask that, because they never learned why. Well, there is actually a scientific explanation to why the sky is blue.

The sky is not actually blue. The sky is white, and since it is, it absorbs all colors. With all those colors absorbed, it reflects only blue into our eyes. So, the sky is really just white, but we see it as if it were blue. 
As time continues, we seem to find strange fossils in the strangest of places. For example, we find tropical plants in snowy areas. How do you explain how this happens? Well, it's actually pretty easy to explain.
The reason that we find some fossils of an organism in unordinary places are due to climate change and plate tectonics. These fossils are obviously from an earlier time in history, and things change over time. So clearly, this snowy area may have once been a tropical land. Since we know that all continents were once together, maybe the tropical part of the land shifted away and left the plant fossil in the snowy area. 

For Science class, we were all required to do research on a given animal. The animal that my group got was the Madagascar Tree Boa. We each got a different subject to study, and I was made to research information on how they reproduce.
I found out that these boas were actually able to me told apart in genders, sort of. The females are longer and heavier than the males. Also, unlike most reptiles, the Madagascar Tree Boa gives birth to live young instead of eggs, and up to 16 at a time!  
I believe that the greatest scientific discovery made up to this day is the discovery of electricity. Electricity has obviously caused enormous advancements and changes to the ways we live today. 

Without electricity, we would have no technology. Technology effects our daily lives. Without the technology we have, so many things that we have today would not exist. Tools and instruments used by scientists and doctors require electricity. This means that electricity caused a large advancement and inventions in other fields of work. 

Not having electricity would make everybody's live more difficult than necessary. Technology has done so much to keep our lives simple, and to let us things that we would not be able to do without it.

In science for every new unit, we are required to make a Quizlet set for our new vocabulary words. It's basically a virtual set of flash cards that let us find the definition of one of the words in our unit quickly. The problem is, does anyone really use the Quizlet once they have it done?

I really don't think that anyone actually uses the Quizlet once it has been graded. I only use it on the last couple of days to study my vocabulary, which is probably my weakest point. I think that Quizlet is very important because it works as a great study and is very easy to access. 
The reason that moths changed color is due to industries and the pollution caused by the factories. There might be a change in color for the peppered moths. Since they went from light to a dark black, we can probably expect the dark moths to continue to get dark. 
The reason I believe the moths will only continue to get darker is because of the obvious pollution caused by factories and such. Realistically, you can expect the peppered moths to get darker and darker, because, obviously, there is still an existence, and increase, in pollution today.