Well, it's the final day of the school year. This is our final blog as well. So, what's better for our final blog than to talk about Computer class, and how it has helped us. How has this class helped me at school? How has it helped me at home? This class has definitely helped me expand my knowledge about a LOT of things that are important about electronics.

For one, I'm now better at finding reliable sources and citing them in my work. Before, I would just google things and click the first result. Now, I know some things that show what's smart to use, and what isn't. It's helped me at home because now I know a lot of different websites for different things. The last thing still applies. I now know which websites are reliable, and which ones are not. Lastly, I have just improved at using word processing websites (such as Google Docs and Microsoft Word, etc). Now that I remember, I have learned a ton of new things in Computer class. I'm ready to take it to a new level next year. It'll be great learning about some brand new things.
Today we dissected... A SQUID. This is the third and final dissection we're having this year. I must say this was the shortest yet tastiest dissection we've had this year. I never thought that squid tasted so good. Anyways, it was pretty cool getting to cut it open then peeling off the mantle.

I think this was the best dissection of the three. For one, it didn't require us to do so much studying. It was pretty basic to learn. Second of all, it was really basic to complete and didn't take so long. Of course, the best part? EATING IT! It was two little pieces, but it tasted pretty good. I think Computech students are the only ones who can say that they got to eat squid at school!
Video games are awesome for passing times as a hobby. You can play them when you're bored, or you can play them for a living when you're grown up. I love all sorts of video games, but some I enjoy more than others. What kind of video games do I enjoy the most? Well, here are is my favorite genre. I'll also explain WHY it is my favorite genre. 

The genre I enjoy the most is strategy games. The reason I enjoy strategy games the most is because they require thinking and logic. For example, I'd rather play a game that requires thinking and then shooting for a purpose rather than just mindless shooting at random people. There's a better story and explanation to strategy games than to those such as first person shooters and such. And no, by strategy I do not mean role playing games. Strategy games have a variety of background stories and themes. It can take place in medieval times all the way to modern time. These are pretty much the major reasons to why strategy games are my favorite kinds of games.
Music is a great way to pass the time when you want to relax or if you're having a party. Everyone has their own preference of music. I actually enjoy most genres of music.
My favorite genre of music is probably rock. The reason rock is my favorite music genre is because I really love the instrumentals and the tone that they use to sing. 

My second favorite genre of music is metal. The reason I like metal is because the instrumentals are awesome and the lyrics have some kind of meaning to them (sometimes).
My third favorite genre of music is rap. The reason it is not my favorite is because most rappers today don't really have good or creative lyrics, and I don't enjoy it. But, there are some rappers still that do have very creative or meaningful songs, so I still listen to rap occasionally. 

We all know that we are heading towards the end of the year. There are only about 11 weeks left until this semester, and school year, ends. Some people are looking forward to it, others are not. I'm on the edge to whether or not be glad about the year ending.
The only thing that makes me happy that the year is ending is that we go on summer vacation, which is the longest vacation we have. But on the other side, so many friends are going on to highschool. Most friends I have are 8th graders, so it's kind of disappointing that I'm not gonna have them to talk to during the next school year. After every year, the ending gets less and less an
I enjoy to spend my weekends just by being lazy. I wake up around 10 A.M, eat breakfast, then I just lie down again and watch T.V. I use my laptop for a few hours, watch T.V more, and then go outside for a while. By Sunday, I've done this at least 3 times. There is nothing else to do outside, because there aren't any kids around my neighborhood that are my age. 
On Sunday, I wake up around the same time and do all the same things. Then, I decide to just wait and do all my homework by about 8 PM. It's usually a large set of Cornell notes, so I usually just get to sleep by 11 PM. My weekends are almost always this cycle, unless I don't get any homework or if we go out of town. It's not always as fun as other times, but I still do it. 
What was the Black Death, and how did it affect medieval Europe. The Black Death was a plague that was believed to kill 1/3 of the population of Europe. It completely destroyed different settlements and villages, and completely ended the manor system due to the deaths of millions of people.
   The Black Death was brought in from Asia through the Middle East, and into Europe. It was brought by rats with trade between Asia and Europe. These filthy rats began to get bitten by mosquitoes, and these mosquitoes bit people and animals. The Black Death caused millions of deaths, because there was nothing to cure it at the time. 
   My first class is Physical Education. This is probably my easiest class, considering all you have to do is participate. Only occasionally is there a test or something that you are seriously tested on something.
   My second class is Pre-Algebra. This is the class I struggle the most with. I'm actually not bad with numbers, but things like large equations and formulas always make me confused.
   My third/fourth classes are CORE. This is also a fairly easy class. English is my first language, and it's always easy to expand my vocabulary and grammar. World history is also easy because the sections we learn about are really interesting. The only thing I dislike about it is doing Cornell notes.
I think that third quarter has been a lot harder than the last two quarters. Every class has been getting more advanced every day. It's been a bit harder to keep up with all the work. I haven't really had time to do anything else, but that's more because of the fact that I do my homework pretty slowly. 
   I also think it is because I've been having a lot more substitute teachers. For math class, I've had a substitute for about half of the 2nd quarter and all of this quarter. It's harder to learn when the one that is teaching you isn't a math teacher. Also, there has been an increase in meetings that have been causing teachers to be gone for the day. My CORE teacher, Mrs. Baird, says that she has missed more days this year than in any other year she has been teaching.
Last night, there was an event for the honor students here at Computech. Everyone who attends Computech and had an average of 3.5+ GPA in the first semester was invited to go to Boomers for free, along with a family member. The event started at 6:00 and ended at 8:30.
   I was required to get there by about 4:30 to help set up. Then, when people began arriving, I was required to notify people about the lines. After I was dismissed to go in, I immediately went to look for my friends. First, we "played" minigolf. It was really crazy, because we didn't even play it at all. We just began swinging our clubs at the golf balls. After that, lasting about half an hour, we went inside to find a large line for laser tag. We waited for about 30 minutes, and managed to all play against each other in the same game. The wait was a bit disappointing, considering it only lasted about 5-10 minutes and the room was really tiny. After that, my friend and I played House of the Dead 1 for about 50 minutes. The rest of the night consisted of Dance Dance Revolution and Tekken 5.