Today we dissected... A SQUID. This is the third and final dissection we're having this year. I must say this was the shortest yet tastiest dissection we've had this year. I never thought that squid tasted so good. Anyways, it was pretty cool getting to cut it open then peeling off the mantle.

I think this was the best dissection of the three. For one, it didn't require us to do so much studying. It was pretty basic to learn. Second of all, it was really basic to complete and didn't take so long. Of course, the best part? EATING IT! It was two little pieces, but it tasted pretty good. I think Computech students are the only ones who can say that they got to eat squid at school!
Video games are awesome for passing times as a hobby. You can play them when you're bored, or you can play them for a living when you're grown up. I love all sorts of video games, but some I enjoy more than others. What kind of video games do I enjoy the most? Well, here are is my favorite genre. I'll also explain WHY it is my favorite genre. 

The genre I enjoy the most is strategy games. The reason I enjoy strategy games the most is because they require thinking and logic. For example, I'd rather play a game that requires thinking and then shooting for a purpose rather than just mindless shooting at random people. There's a better story and explanation to strategy games than to those such as first person shooters and such. And no, by strategy I do not mean role playing games. Strategy games have a variety of background stories and themes. It can take place in medieval times all the way to modern time. These are pretty much the major reasons to why strategy games are my favorite kinds of games.