Today, most of the leadership class (myself included) were expected to come very early (6 AM) to set up a special event, one that we had been working on for weeks. The event was to put up stars, one for every single student, staff member, and teacher that comes to this school. Many people ask, "What was the point of all of this?" Well, that is a good question, what is the point of this?
   The point of the stars was supposed to have a bit of a special feeling to it. We decided to do it like past years, where we take time to write all the names of everyone who attends here just to make them welcome to the school. Some may think this is a bit silly, but I definitely noticed some students that had were smiling more than they usually do.

There are some people who read books because they have to, and there are those who actually enjoy books. I can't really say which one I am, because I usually read books when I have to. But, I usually enjoy the book I am reading. Sometimes, I just really skim through the book so I can say I read it, but I really just skipped over a lot of words. I can easily say what my favorite genres are, but not necessarily in a particular order.
   My favorite genre has to be a form of fiction. I cannot decide whether it is science fiction, historical fiction, or realistic fiction. These three genres all have great books in their favor. It's hard to say which one is my favorite, because they are all just as enjoyable as the other to read.

The first semester of the school year is finally at an end. So much has happened already, and it's just the first half of the school year. I've learned so much from all of my classes. There are so many things that can be looked back on.
   A memorable thing for me was most of the events done during the first semester by leadership. During first quarter, we had some pretty "bad" events that were too simple and stale. Now in second quarter, I think everybody can see how much we have improved on our creativity and complexity. I can't wait to see how good we do going into the next semester.

 In science, we have been working on a DNA structure made out of small beads and rods with copper wire. How exactly does this relate to science in any ways (besides the obvious)? Well, here are some reasons and explanations to how it relates to science?
   Well, one way that this relates to science is that it gives us a visual of DNA. We see how the different bases connect and which goes with which. Another way is that, well, it has to do with DNA. When we are making the DNA model, we have to know which color rod equals what base, and things such as that

For homework, we were told to read an article about an example of education in Japan. The situation was researched by a college graduate named Jim Stigler who went to a fourth grade classroom for research in Japan. The Japanese students were learning how to draw three-dimensional cubes, and it intrigued the students a lot. One of the students was struggling with drawing the cube, and the teacher sent him up to attempt it on the board. He struggled and struggled, as the teacher would tell the students to compare it to theirs, and the student still couldn't get it right. Stigler says that the student looked as if he were to burst into tears. By the end of the period, the boy managed to draw the cube correctly, and the class politely applauded him. This means that the whole period had been spent drawing a cube. Another example was of a math problem. There was a group of Japanese first graders, and one of American first graders. The American students immediately gave up on the problem, knowing they couldn't. The Japanese kids continued to work on it hour after hour, until they were finally stopped. They cried because of the fact that they weren't able to complete the problem. What does this say about education in Japan compared to that in America? It says that people from Japan were taught to take their education more seriously than some Americans. Not to say that all Americans are "dumb", or that all Japanese people are smart.

    So about a month ago, everybody took a very important test known as the ACS test. Today, I just got my results back from my teacher. I must say, I was a bit surprised, but in a good way! My percentage for English was 86%, and 92% for history. The part that mainly surprised me was the history grade. Here are some reasons why.
   A reason I thought that I did bad on the history test originally is because I didn't think I studied enough. As a matter of fact, I didn't study enough. When I took the test, I felt like I was getting all the questions wrong. I believe I was the last one to finish. Another reason is because, as I just said, it felt like I was getting all the problems wrong. Just about every other question that was thrown at me made me think, and it was a bit nerve-wrecking because I knew how important the test was.
    Christmas just feels so close to today. I just cannot wait until December 25th. Christmas is probably my favorite holiday. I love Christmas because I get to eat special food and it gives me an excuse to stay up until 12 AM. And of course, the presents. I just get a jittery feeling when it is Christmas because you wait all day until it finally reaches midnight. It just really gives you a special feeling. 
   Christmas is great because of the presents. I always get a video game and clothes. I love just ripping open the new game and starting to play it, and then playing it the next morning because of anxiety. It really is one of the best times of the year, just because of all the happiness and such running through you all day. I sure do know my family enjoys it, but especially my five year old brother. It's a really good family time for everyone in my neighborhood, as well.
     As you may know, we are soon having the annual canned food drive. People bring canned food, and we compensate for it with a ticket. The ticket will go into a large raffle. But there is something that we are doing that has never been done before. We are teaming up with a class from Fresno State to help collect more food! The person behind the idea is a freshman from Fresno State. Her name is Loveneet (may be mispelled), and the whole Leadership class got to meet her. She talked to us about the upcoming event, and what she had planned for the canned food drive.
    It seemed very interesting how this idea might work. But it definitely is a great idea. With the combination of both Computech and Fresno state, we are bound to collect more food than we have ever before.
For the last week or so, everyone in Mr. Kimbley's class has been working on My Digital Life. So far, what this simulation has been teaching are some things even I didn't know (and I am constantly on the internet, using my laptop, etc.). So far, what I have learned are some ways to keep person information. Before, I never though fondly of using a lot of symbols, letters, and numbers scattered around as a password, but that definitely changed after I was tested on that. Another thing I have learned about is choosing a good device. Even though I new what RAM was needed for, and what CPU stood for, it really made me think, "What do I mainly use my laptop for? Should I have gotten a device with more RAM or less? Should I get a desktop with a big monitor instead of a laptop considering it gives an advantage for my personal use. These things will really help me the next time I consider buying a device. 
     Some other things I have learned are how I can keep myself safe from texting and driving, even though I haven't even began driving. It will definitely help me in the future. One other thing I learned is what is reliable and what is not on the internet. Say you are looking for a legitimate blog or something to that sort, you have to note things like "Is the author/publisher experienced? Does he keep all his information updated?"

    Yesterday was the 11th anniversary of the 911 terrorist attack, which led to the destruction of the World Trade Center and damaging of the Pentagon. I do not remember anything about the attack, considering I was only one years old when it happened. I have learned about the attack through the news and such over years. I know it is considered the biggest tragedy in American history. It was a tragic event, I am sure. I respect those who were lost in the attack, those who tried to help, and the families of them. Yes, as I have said multiple times, the terrorist attack was a tragic event. It definitely affected America forever, considering some people still can't forget the time because they lost family members and relatives.