The book I am currently reading is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I chose this book because I have always been a fan of both the movies and the books of Harry Potter. What I like about this book is already just the fact what genre it is (which it is obviously a fantasy book). What it is about just entertains me, because it is something that humanity is only able to imagine at this point. What do I dislike about this or any of the Harry Potter books? I can't tell you a think that I dislike about it. All the Harry Potter books are just some of my favorite books ever. Why? Because they contain all the content that I love from a book. Suspense, drama, action, and a bit of laughs here and there. A book that has even one of these things is usually a good book in my eyes. This book is just one that, when you have to stop reading, just keep thinking " What is going to happen next? How will this affect this person? "

     Most people in elementary school always fear something in middle school that they will never be able to deal with. My fear was always of homework. I always thought that in middle school, no matter what, you were going to be drowned in piles of homework. But, in reality, that never happpened. Sure, in at least one of your classes, you have that teacher that gives you more homework than the other. My fear was obviously that I would finish homework and never have any time to do anything that I wanted to. But in reality, the homework you get is completely possible to manage and you still have time for your hobbies and such, just like in elemantary school.
    Another fear, although not as big as the other one, is about multiple classes. How am I going to remember all my classes? How will I remember where to go, or what homework is for where? That is not how it is. The only time that this actually happened was on the first two days of school. You always think "I'm gonna be late for class, my teacher is going to kill me." But, very quickly, you get so used to your classes and your teachers. It's amazing.

    A popular topic is being bullied at school. Have I ever been bullied. Yes, I have been been bullied verbally but not physically. By verbal bullying, I mean the typical name calling. Most people call me the same general name, "Skinny". But everybody just seems to find a different way to exploit my weight. I don't mind when one of my friends jokingly call me "scrawny", "stupid", etc. I mean by people that I don't know. So far, here at Computech, I have not been bullied in any way. I'm sure one person will manage to get the teasing to me before my first year here ends. But at this point, I have managed to handle it in a mature way by just ignoring it, because it really doesn't matter what somebody else's opinion is on me unless they are trying to help.
   Most people try to insult another because they either feel like they are better than everybody else just because they are physically stronger, but that doesn't make them anything. The other reason is because they have once been picked on before, and they want to be the giving end instead of the receiving end. I remember this every time I am insulted, and I just ignore it.

  Everybody knows that computers have changed drastically ever since they were built. Today we have great computers that are used in our daily lives. But how much will these computers change in the next century? My opinion is that computers will change immensely from what they are today. All computers will be built to run faster no matter what you are using it for. No, I do not expect it to drive our cars for us, but I do expect it to do what we use it for today much easier. When computers were first built, they were only used by the military for purposes in the war. From then on, they have slowly but amazingly developed into something we can use for chatting with our friends, watching videos, and so on. I expect computers in the future to be used for this same purpose in the future, but it will make it much easier to do so.

      Today is a bit of an exciting thing because it is the first completed quarter in the year! That means that the 7th graders are already 25% of the way through with our first year in middle school. What a quarter it has been for us. We've got a little peak at what we are going to doing for the rest of the year. I've had quite a time so far with all my classes, especially Leadership, Computers, P.E, and CORE! I've had some fun in these classes, because of the teachers. I'd say all of my teachers are very lenient in terms of classwork and such, but I have learned so much and I definitely can't wait to learn more. I cannot wait for the next three quarters to zoom by just like this one did. It's been more fun than I expected from any middle school when I was in elementary school. I expect to have a lot of fun throughout the school year. 
       Every family likes to watch a movie every now and then. What are my favorite types of movies? Well, I always enjoy a hilarious comedy movie that wil stick with me for the rest of the day. Sometimes I like to watch action/adventure movies, but it realy depends what movie it is. Some action movies actually contain a bit of some dramatic scenes, so in a way you can say I enjoy a bit of drama in some of the movies I watch. And, of course, everyone enjoys a good horror movie on occasion. Even when it scars you for the rest of your life and in your sleep. To sum it all up, here are my favorite types of movies: 1 - Comedy 2- Action/adventure 3- Horror.
 On Friday, the Leadership students (myself included) set up the first rally for our school! To be honest, it was very fun to set up and participate in. I think that everybody who was there also had some fun. We had great events, and the famous shouting contest. I skipped almost all my classes just to help set it up, but it was worth it. For our first rally, it was definitely well made. I cannot wait to help set up and participate in the following rallies for the next 3 quarters. I know it is a long way from now, but everyone at the school and I cannot wait!
      Everybody has their favorite type of music. What are my favorite types of music. Well, in general, my favorites are rap, hip hop, rock, and in some cases, heavy rock/metalcore. I don't enjoy much of this decade's rap or hip hop, considering too many give ridiculous and bad influences and ideas to kids. I hardly listen to rap and hip hop from this decade's music, so I mostly listen to the music made from 90's to early 00's. In terms of rock, I love listening to any decade of music, such as Nirvana, Weezer, Queen, and so on. I just love instrumentals and lyrics that are in any rock song. For metalcore, I'm not necesarrily a big fan of it, but sometimes I just feel like listening to it. To sum it up, I love these genres of music but mostly from the 90's to the early 00's.
This week in school, there has been a lot. I've struggled a bit with science, because there was more work than last week, and we had a substitute. I also, struggled a bit with CORE, considering I had to work on cornell notes, which take a lot of time. Today,  I took a test in Spanish and I hope I did good. In P.E with Ms. Pope, we ran a mile yesterday, and my team won the tournament in Sideline Dodgeball today, 2-1. Tuesday, I had a test in Pre-algebra and I got an A+, so I was able to go to Mr. Dorman's class for two days. It wasn't a bad week, but it definitely was hard work.
   What are some sports I enjoy? Well, there probably isn't a sport that I hate, that's for sure. My favorite sports are soccer, basketball, football, and baseball. That doesn't mean I don't like other sports. I enjoy all sports, from bowling to tennis, just not as much as the rest. The reason I enjoy all sports is because you get to move around no matter what in each one. As long as you keep moving, I can definitely enjoy it.
   I have favorite teams for most sports. For soccer, my favorite team has to me Real Madrid F.C. For basketball, I have always loved the Los Angeles Lakers. For football, I like many teams, but my favorite is the Pittsburgh Steelers. For baseball, my favorite team has to be the Yankees, even now if they haven't been their best in a while. My favorite tennis player is probably Roger Federer, because he is pretty amazing.
   I definitely have favorite players for sports teams. From Real Madrid, my favorite player is Christiano Ronaldo. From the Los Angales Lakers, my favorite player is Kobe Bryant. From Pittsburgh, my favorite player is probably Troy Polumalu. My favorite player from the New York Yankees is Alex Rodriguez.