Today is a bit of an exciting thing because it is the first completed quarter in the year! That means that the 7th graders are already 25% of the way through with our first year in middle school. What a quarter it has been for us. We've got a little peak at what we are going to doing for the rest of the year. I've had quite a time so far with all my classes, especially Leadership, Computers, P.E, and CORE! I've had some fun in these classes, because of the teachers. I'd say all of my teachers are very lenient in terms of classwork and such, but I have learned so much and I definitely can't wait to learn more. I cannot wait for the next three quarters to zoom by just like this one did. It's been more fun than I expected from any middle school when I was in elementary school. I expect to have a lot of fun throughout the school year. 

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