The book I am currently reading is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I chose this book because I have always been a fan of both the movies and the books of Harry Potter. What I like about this book is already just the fact what genre it is (which it is obviously a fantasy book). What it is about just entertains me, because it is something that humanity is only able to imagine at this point. What do I dislike about this or any of the Harry Potter books? I can't tell you a think that I dislike about it. All the Harry Potter books are just some of my favorite books ever. Why? Because they contain all the content that I love from a book. Suspense, drama, action, and a bit of laughs here and there. A book that has even one of these things is usually a good book in my eyes. This book is just one that, when you have to stop reading, just keep thinking " What is going to happen next? How will this affect this person? "

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