A popular topic is being bullied at school. Have I ever been bullied. Yes, I have been been bullied verbally but not physically. By verbal bullying, I mean the typical name calling. Most people call me the same general name, "Skinny". But everybody just seems to find a different way to exploit my weight. I don't mind when one of my friends jokingly call me "scrawny", "stupid", etc. I mean by people that I don't know. So far, here at Computech, I have not been bullied in any way. I'm sure one person will manage to get the teasing to me before my first year here ends. But at this point, I have managed to handle it in a mature way by just ignoring it, because it really doesn't matter what somebody else's opinion is on me unless they are trying to help.
   Most people try to insult another because they either feel like they are better than everybody else just because they are physically stronger, but that doesn't make them anything. The other reason is because they have once been picked on before, and they want to be the giving end instead of the receiving end. I remember this every time I am insulted, and I just ignore it.

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