What are some sports I enjoy? Well, there probably isn't a sport that I hate, that's for sure. My favorite sports are soccer, basketball, football, and baseball. That doesn't mean I don't like other sports. I enjoy all sports, from bowling to tennis, just not as much as the rest. The reason I enjoy all sports is because you get to move around no matter what in each one. As long as you keep moving, I can definitely enjoy it.
   I have favorite teams for most sports. For soccer, my favorite team has to me Real Madrid F.C. For basketball, I have always loved the Los Angeles Lakers. For football, I like many teams, but my favorite is the Pittsburgh Steelers. For baseball, my favorite team has to be the Yankees, even now if they haven't been their best in a while. My favorite tennis player is probably Roger Federer, because he is pretty amazing.
   I definitely have favorite players for sports teams. From Real Madrid, my favorite player is Christiano Ronaldo. From the Los Angales Lakers, my favorite player is Kobe Bryant. From Pittsburgh, my favorite player is probably Troy Polumalu. My favorite player from the New York Yankees is Alex Rodriguez.

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