Christmas just feels so close to today. I just cannot wait until December 25th. Christmas is probably my favorite holiday. I love Christmas because I get to eat special food and it gives me an excuse to stay up until 12 AM. And of course, the presents. I just get a jittery feeling when it is Christmas because you wait all day until it finally reaches midnight. It just really gives you a special feeling. 
   Christmas is great because of the presents. I always get a video game and clothes. I love just ripping open the new game and starting to play it, and then playing it the next morning because of anxiety. It really is one of the best times of the year, just because of all the happiness and such running through you all day. I sure do know my family enjoys it, but especially my five year old brother. It's a really good family time for everyone in my neighborhood, as well.
11/8/2012 06:52:50 am

This is really good, but on the 5th sentence you shouldnt use and in the beginning


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