So about a month ago, everybody took a very important test known as the ACS test. Today, I just got my results back from my teacher. I must say, I was a bit surprised, but in a good way! My percentage for English was 86%, and 92% for history. The part that mainly surprised me was the history grade. Here are some reasons why.
   A reason I thought that I did bad on the history test originally is because I didn't think I studied enough. As a matter of fact, I didn't study enough. When I took the test, I felt like I was getting all the questions wrong. I believe I was the last one to finish. Another reason is because, as I just said, it felt like I was getting all the problems wrong. Just about every other question that was thrown at me made me think, and it was a bit nerve-wrecking because I knew how important the test was.
11/9/2012 06:26:33 am

I like how you added the word nerve-wrecking because it made your blog sound stronger.

Matthew Marquez
12/7/2012 06:24:26 am

The words you used in this makes your sentences stronger.


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