Math and science are two different classes that we take. But, does that mean they are two different subjects? Actually, they're pretty similar. They actually compliment each other pretty well, because we need one subject for the other. So, here are some similarities between the two.

Science relies on math, and math relies on science for many things. For example, science requires measurements and calculations. Math allows you to make calculations that help you figure out things in science. 
What are negative numbers? What is the purpose of using them in reality? Well, negative numbers are numbers that are less than zero. For example, if you have a number line with 0 in the middle, the numbers to the left of the 0 would be negative numbers. The question is: What are the purpose of these numbers in real life? Well, here are some examples.

A good example of a use of negative numbers is when subtracting. Say I had 6 apples, but I sold 2. Technically speaking, that's a negative 2 because it is being subtracted from the total positive pile of 6. In conclusion, a negative number is a number that is less than zero. It can be used in real life situations for subtracting.

The numbers to the left of the zero are known as 'negative numbers'.
How do you solve an equation? What are the steps you need to take to solve one? Here are the steps to solving an equation. In this case, the equation is 2x-7=15. We'll go over each step specifically to make solving an equation sound very simply.

First, you must do the inverse operation to the 7. Since it is subtracting 7 from 2x, you must add 7. That takes out the 7, and you add 7 to 15. Now, that 15 is 22. So now, the equation is 2x=22. The next step you must take is isolating the variable. You must divide 2 from 2x, which leaves the variable by itself. You then divide 2 from 22, which is 11. That is how to solve an equation. In the equation, 2x-7=15, we discovered that X=11.