Writing in math has definitely been a change. Has it been a change for a better? Yes, it has. Now that the policy is changing, we're definitely going to have to get used to it.  Common Core testing is going to require us to use evidence and support our answers in every subject we test in.

Going back to the question: How has writing in math helped me this year? Well, it definitely helped improve my math AND writing skills since we are doing both at the same time. Another thing is that it helped me improve my ability to provide evidence and support my reasoning. Although I don't like the change that is being applied, it definitely will improve our ability to do these things. 
As the school year is almost over, we come to a conclusion with our learning. There definitely were some challenges in math. But, some subjects were more challenging than others. Out of all the subjects that I have studied this year, I must say that graphing multiple step equations was the most difficult subject. Here are some reasons to why I believe so.

First of all, solving the equation was the easy part. I didn't really struggle with solving them (most of the time). The hassle was when I had to solve that long equation and then graph it. Not only was it difficult doing all the work, but it was really tedious. It was a hard decision between this and graphing line equations. But in the end, I believe this was the more difficult subject.
Math and science are two different classes that we take. But, does that mean they are two different subjects? Actually, they're pretty similar. They actually compliment each other pretty well, because we need one subject for the other. So, here are some similarities between the two.

Science relies on math, and math relies on science for many things. For example, science requires measurements and calculations. Math allows you to make calculations that help you figure out things in science. 
What are negative numbers? What is the purpose of using them in reality? Well, negative numbers are numbers that are less than zero. For example, if you have a number line with 0 in the middle, the numbers to the left of the 0 would be negative numbers. The question is: What are the purpose of these numbers in real life? Well, here are some examples.

A good example of a use of negative numbers is when subtracting. Say I had 6 apples, but I sold 2. Technically speaking, that's a negative 2 because it is being subtracted from the total positive pile of 6. In conclusion, a negative number is a number that is less than zero. It can be used in real life situations for subtracting.

The numbers to the left of the zero are known as 'negative numbers'.
How do you solve an equation? What are the steps you need to take to solve one? Here are the steps to solving an equation. In this case, the equation is 2x-7=15. We'll go over each step specifically to make solving an equation sound very simply.

First, you must do the inverse operation to the 7. Since it is subtracting 7 from 2x, you must add 7. That takes out the 7, and you add 7 to 15. Now, that 15 is 22. So now, the equation is 2x=22. The next step you must take is isolating the variable. You must divide 2 from 2x, which leaves the variable by itself. You then divide 2 from 22, which is 11. That is how to solve an equation. In the equation, 2x-7=15, we discovered that X=11.
Say that you owned a restaurant, and you were required to buy a shipment of food. The problem is that you don't know which way is an easier way of ordering the food; Ratios or percentages? Well, here is what I believe would be very suitable to help in this situation.
First, you need to think; which would work more affectively? I believe that using percentages would be more affective because it's easier to do. For example, you can say you're ordering 100% amount of food. What percentage/fraction of that 100% would you want to be apples? So, then you decide what percentage of apples you would want from 100%. 100% - 15% = 85%, so now you have 85% amount of food left. This is why I think that the percentage method is more affective, because it makes it very simple and an understandable way of doing this. 
We were required to look up the prices of mountain dews. We needed to find the price of a 2 liter bottle and compare it to a 12-pack. After I searched it, I found out that the 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew was cheaper, therefore a better deal, than the 12-pack. 
   The math that I used to solve this was simple. I just looked up the two prices, found out that the 2 liter is cheaper than the 12-pack, and subtracted the prices to find the difference. This subject can be used for problems that are similar to this one.
   Being humans, everyone in this school should have struggled with one thing or another in their math class. What have I struggled with the most so far, and why?
   The main thing I have struggled with this year is inequalities. I understood the simple graphing part and all, but when we started doing huge equations with negatives and distributive properties, I started getting lost. I was really threatened by the large amount of numbers in each problem, and sometimes didn't even attempt to do it. How did I overcome this struggle? It was pretty simple... I just had to study and redo some of the problems. I began asking questions, and it all came clear to me and I easily understood it.
   The phythagorean theorem is a method of figuring out the length of one side of a right triangle. The method is a^2 + b^2 = c^2. The opposite side of the right angle in the right triangle is c. You have to find the missing length of a side. 
   A good reference to the pythagorean theorem is the picture to the left. The two legs can be either a or b, so it doesn't matter which is which. The hypotenuse, which is on the opposite side of the right angle, must always be c.

   Square roots are similar to exponents. When you have an exponent, you multiply the base number by the exponent. For example, 4^2 is 16 because 4 times 4 is 16. Square roots are pretty much the same thing. The square root of 64 is 8 since 8^2 equals 64. The square root of something with a base number and an exponent is always going to be 2, because the number has to be multiplied by itself only once. Why is it called a square root? What could be another name for it? Here are some ideas and suggestions.
    A good reason why square roots may be called square roots is because an exponential number with an exponent of 2 is squared. For example, 5^2 can be said "five squared". The root part of it is because the base number is the root of the so called "square roots". Is there another name that this can be called by? Well, there actually is another name for "square roots". It can be referred to as a radical. As for a new name, I don't know if there could be one that would make sense.