As we have been studying in CORE, we have learned about two great civilizations that existed in history. The first one is the Aztecs that lived in Mesoamerica. The second one is the Incas that lived in South America. Although both were in different places at different times, how they were similar? Here are some similarities between the two.
For one, both civilizations had fierce armies. As a matter of fact, the Aztec warriors are usually most known for their army. Another similarity is the crops that were grown. As many other civilizations at the time, both tribes grew maize, or corn. Of course, the Incas' main crop was potatoes, but they still grew an abundance of corn in the limited warm lands that they had. A third similarity is the roles in society. It went from rulers to priests and warriors. Middle class was salesmen and craftsmen. Of course, the lowest class was peasants and farmers. 

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