Africa was once a very unadvanced country. But then, a very important advancement struck them. They discovered iron. Iron is a very strong metal. Africans used this newly discovered metal to build advanced weapons and tools. Before the discovery of iron, they used mostly wood and bone for their tools and weapons. These things were much too weak and weren't durable to last very long. Iron was metallic, therefore making it very strong and durable. 
     Iron definitely led to a huge change of things done in Africa. As stated before, iron was much stronger than anything else the Africans had used before. For example, a tool that Africans use is a hoe. These were made from wood before. They broke because they were fragile and weak. In conclusion, iron drastically changed how Africans lived because it helped majorly to make life easier in terms of tools and weaponry.
      Everybody knows that there are four main climate regions in the continent of Africa. But, which of the four regions was harshest of all to live in? Well, in my opinion, I think the sahel is the most difficult to live in. This is because it divides the more moist land from the desert. This means that it is probably the most vacant and poor place to live in. I would say desert, but a lot of people known as nomads actually live in the desert. People do live in the sahel, but they don't have a very good environment nor do they live to be very health. It is not very occupied with animals or people, unlike the rest. The sahel lacks water, and just lacks of any very important supplies or provinces.
        Another reason is because the sahel contains some dangerous animals. There are plenty of snakes that live in the area that isn't part of a village. This isn't really considered a big problem, but it still can be considered a bit of a down side to living in the sahel, in my opinion.
       Everyone by now knows that Islam is the most popular religion, but when it just began, how did it spread so quickly? We know that there are a variety of ways it spread, but the one I am currently focused on is trade. The Arabs were very big in trade, because Arabia was a crossroad of trade routes. But how did trade help this religion spread? Well, merchants run into other merchants. Trading and selling isn't just a mere method of give and go, but it takes a bit of time. And who said that merchants only traded items and such? They also traded ideas and news. This means that many Arab merchants who were Muslims themselves must have spread the news of Islam to foreign areas that had not yet discovered this religion. This is what made Islam so popular not around Arabia, but in most if not all of Asia and Europe. And to think that this major religion just revolved from around Mecca ad Medina. So, we now know that trade was a big part in helping Islam spread around all of Asia and Europe, because of the fact that merchants not only traded items, but news and idea. 
        There are five rules in the Islamic religion known as the Five Pillars of Islam. These five things are required to be done my all Muslims. They must pray five times a day, donate to the poor and needy annualy, fast during the month of Ramadan, take part in a hajj once, and state your faith and belief in Allah once.
The one that I think is most difficult to do is the hajj. As we learned in CORE, Muslims require patience and strength when they are in a hajj. This trip takes about seven weeks before all return to their homes. It is also dangerous on the hajj because millions of people are walking in a large crowd, and some have actually been killed by the crowd. The hajj gets you weary because you are required to walk for very long periods of time, and this continues for about the whole seven weeks. This is why I believe the hajj, or journey to Mecca is the most difficult rule of all.
     Everybody has been learning about Muhammad, the man that spread the religion known as Islam. So, what kind of person was Muhammad? Well, we know that he was a wealthy merchant with a great family. But he was also kind hearted. He prayed alone for those who were less fortunate in his hometown of Mecca. The Qur'an says he was visited by the angel, Gabriel, to spread a message of the one and only god, Allah. Muhammad believed in what he was told, and kindly attempted to spread the news of this VERY important message. Even though Muhammad was not liked at all by rich merchants, Muhammad kept calm and continued to spread the word peacefully, and not with hate, this of course until he was droven out of Mecca because of death threats. This information leads me to believe that Muhammad was generous, kind hearted, peaceful, and calm. We know this because Islam is still one of the most popular religions today.
On a typical hot, sunny, and dusty day in my village, I had a pretty big decision to make. It all started off when of course, as always, I was in my village. I remember just looking at the the desert growing up, and wondering, "When will I ever get to explore the desert?" It was only a dream at the time. As I carried buckets of water back home, I noticed a blur of people off in the distance. It was quite close to my home, as a matter of fact. As I continued walking down the hot path, the blurs became more clear. It was a shocking surprise to me...
      It was my uncle! My uncle owned a caravan, and he stopped by the village from time to time to visit my family and I. I dropped off the water in my house, and went to greet my uncle with a firm handshake and a raspy "Hello". My uncle did the same, and from there, we began conversing. After about half an hour of chatting, Uncle said he had a surprise for me. I invited him into my home so we could talk about it where it was a bit less sunny. When I entered my house, I noticed my parents had a bit of a gloomy look on their faces. My uncle and I sat in the room, and I asked him, "What is the big surprise?" At that time, I realized that my parents probably knew this surprise and it couldn't be a good thing. But, with excitement, he said, "Well, this may be good news for you. But I've now thought for a while, and realized that you are mature enough to join my caravan for one trip. But it is up to you and your parents to decide. Well, I ought to be going now, you have two days to decide."
       Well, this was a big impact on my life at this point. I had never been outside my village in my entire life. I already knew what the ups and downs of this trip. For one, it was my dream to go into the desert for once and be a part of a caravan. But I knew for sure that it was scorching hot going through the desert, and there was the dangers of sandstorms and such. I had these things drifting through my mind for the next two days, and I came to the decision. I was definitely going on the trip with Uncle on his caravan. I told my parents my choice, and they said, "Okay, if it's what you want." So, I awaited until tomorrow, just sitting outside, and from a distance, I could see a blur of people. I was ready.

  Everybody in the 7th grade had a simulation in their CORE class about the Roman Empire. If I could have any other part besides the one I already had, it would probably be a part of the western empire. Why? Even though I was very satisfied as a Greek, I would choose to be that, because they were the better part of the empire. They managed to survive MUCH longer (centuries longer) than the eastern empire. Even though in the end of the simulation, they were taken down by the barbarians like everybody else, it would have been fun to make some choices on which product I would use my tokens on. Another choice would be a barbarian, but I don't even have to explain that one, it is obvious. In the end, I am sure that every student enjoyed their role.