Everybody knows that there are four main climate regions in the continent of Africa. But, which of the four regions was harshest of all to live in? Well, in my opinion, I think the sahel is the most difficult to live in. This is because it divides the more moist land from the desert. This means that it is probably the most vacant and poor place to live in. I would say desert, but a lot of people known as nomads actually live in the desert. People do live in the sahel, but they don't have a very good environment nor do they live to be very health. It is not very occupied with animals or people, unlike the rest. The sahel lacks water, and just lacks of any very important supplies or provinces.
        Another reason is because the sahel contains some dangerous animals. There are plenty of snakes that live in the area that isn't part of a village. This isn't really considered a big problem, but it still can be considered a bit of a down side to living in the sahel, in my opinion.

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