Everyone by now knows that Islam is the most popular religion, but when it just began, how did it spread so quickly? We know that there are a variety of ways it spread, but the one I am currently focused on is trade. The Arabs were very big in trade, because Arabia was a crossroad of trade routes. But how did trade help this religion spread? Well, merchants run into other merchants. Trading and selling isn't just a mere method of give and go, but it takes a bit of time. And who said that merchants only traded items and such? They also traded ideas and news. This means that many Arab merchants who were Muslims themselves must have spread the news of Islam to foreign areas that had not yet discovered this religion. This is what made Islam so popular not around Arabia, but in most if not all of Asia and Europe. And to think that this major religion just revolved from around Mecca ad Medina. So, we now know that trade was a big part in helping Islam spread around all of Asia and Europe, because of the fact that merchants not only traded items, but news and idea. 

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