Everybody has been learning about Muhammad, the man that spread the religion known as Islam. So, what kind of person was Muhammad? Well, we know that he was a wealthy merchant with a great family. But he was also kind hearted. He prayed alone for those who were less fortunate in his hometown of Mecca. The Qur'an says he was visited by the angel, Gabriel, to spread a message of the one and only god, Allah. Muhammad believed in what he was told, and kindly attempted to spread the news of this VERY important message. Even though Muhammad was not liked at all by rich merchants, Muhammad kept calm and continued to spread the word peacefully, and not with hate, this of course until he was droven out of Mecca because of death threats. This information leads me to believe that Muhammad was generous, kind hearted, peaceful, and calm. We know this because Islam is still one of the most popular religions today.

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