There are five rules in the Islamic religion known as the Five Pillars of Islam. These five things are required to be done my all Muslims. They must pray five times a day, donate to the poor and needy annualy, fast during the month of Ramadan, take part in a hajj once, and state your faith and belief in Allah once.
The one that I think is most difficult to do is the hajj. As we learned in CORE, Muslims require patience and strength when they are in a hajj. This trip takes about seven weeks before all return to their homes. It is also dangerous on the hajj because millions of people are walking in a large crowd, and some have actually been killed by the crowd. The hajj gets you weary because you are required to walk for very long periods of time, and this continues for about the whole seven weeks. This is why I believe the hajj, or journey to Mecca is the most difficult rule of all.

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