On a typical hot, sunny, and dusty day in my village, I had a pretty big decision to make. It all started off when of course, as always, I was in my village. I remember just looking at the the desert growing up, and wondering, "When will I ever get to explore the desert?" It was only a dream at the time. As I carried buckets of water back home, I noticed a blur of people off in the distance. It was quite close to my home, as a matter of fact. As I continued walking down the hot path, the blurs became more clear. It was a shocking surprise to me...
      It was my uncle! My uncle owned a caravan, and he stopped by the village from time to time to visit my family and I. I dropped off the water in my house, and went to greet my uncle with a firm handshake and a raspy "Hello". My uncle did the same, and from there, we began conversing. After about half an hour of chatting, Uncle said he had a surprise for me. I invited him into my home so we could talk about it where it was a bit less sunny. When I entered my house, I noticed my parents had a bit of a gloomy look on their faces. My uncle and I sat in the room, and I asked him, "What is the big surprise?" At that time, I realized that my parents probably knew this surprise and it couldn't be a good thing. But, with excitement, he said, "Well, this may be good news for you. But I've now thought for a while, and realized that you are mature enough to join my caravan for one trip. But it is up to you and your parents to decide. Well, I ought to be going now, you have two days to decide."
       Well, this was a big impact on my life at this point. I had never been outside my village in my entire life. I already knew what the ups and downs of this trip. For one, it was my dream to go into the desert for once and be a part of a caravan. But I knew for sure that it was scorching hot going through the desert, and there was the dangers of sandstorms and such. I had these things drifting through my mind for the next two days, and I came to the decision. I was definitely going on the trip with Uncle on his caravan. I told my parents my choice, and they said, "Okay, if it's what you want." So, I awaited until tomorrow, just sitting outside, and from a distance, I could see a blur of people. I was ready.

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