   It's just a regular day today as I am writing this. What is it, you may ask? Well, as I said, it was just a regular day, when this all started. It began when I was just doing the daily routine of working on the farmland, whereas today I was just picking weeds from a wheat field. It would have been the same old thing, but I began hearing a strange sound, something like a rumble. I looked off in the distance, and I immediately regretted it. What I saw was horrifying, thousands of horseman off in the distance with what I would assume would be sharp-to-the-tip swords in their bandoliers. I'm just debating to myself whether or not to warn the people. I am a couple of miles away from the main land of the village. I have what some would call the eye of an eagle, as I spotted them in a blur a mile away. OK, forget my needs. I need to protect my village. I can hear them in the distance and the rumble gets louder while I am getting on my horse. I need to get the leader of the village right now!
   When I arrive, I still see the blur that is the army. I immediately decide it's best to tie up my horse and run to the leader of the army. I warn him with a loud scream that the dreaded army is coming. He then proceeds to begin warning the whole village of the army and tells them to get their family and valuables. When I look back, I worry because I notice that the army isn't as much of a blur as it was before. Thankfully, all of the villagers and hastily packed up their food and supplies, and herded their animals. The leader told us to ride off on the army's horses. He says he will stay with his army to slow them down, but in my mind I am completely sure that our tiny army has no chance. I quickly notify him on his ridiculous idea and convince him to leave with us. It's shameful that we had to leave behind our homes and our crops, but we managed to pack up the supplies and warn everyone quickly. Everyone rides off in a group together, and we manage to escape. Some may not make in through the rough times, but we'll manage...

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