A thing that we learned in math last year was exponents. Exponents are those little numbers floating diagonally to the right of the number. How could exponents help someone with situations that they are in every day? Well, I have some valid reasons to how they can help. Here are some that I have thought of.
    A way that exponents can help you in real life is by, of course, doing math in real life situations. Say you are organizing a game, and you need to figure out how many of a certain something you need. In this example, it can be apples. The example is, say you have 4 groups of 4 kids. You decide to give each child 5 apples. 4 to the 5th power is the exponent for that.
11/8/2012 06:56:09 am

You did very well Sebastian. But I think that the tparagraphs should be atlast 3 more senteces longer. You gave a good exaple for the exponents but you could have made one a little better.


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