As we have learned in science, people reproduce. Reproduction transfers the DNA of the parents to the newborn. But, who did I inherit my traits from? Well, I'm usually told that I look more like my mother than my father. The question is WHY do I look more like my mother than my father? Well, it might have just been random and could have gone either way at my birth. My brothers, on the other hand, are not very similar to me. My brother, Edgar, looks a lot more like my father than my mother. My oldest brother, Victor, looks like both my father and my mother. For example, he has the facial looks of my mother,  but the body of my father. (except not as 'overweight') For my youngest brother, Omar, I haven't really noticed whether he inherited the looks of my mother or my father. One thing is for sure, I am probably the most similar to my mother than anyone else in my family.

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