I learned about the growth of baby rats. Within the first week of birth, the rats are born without eyes, leaving them completely feeble and sightless. They depend on their mother to feed them, clean them, and other important things. 
   By the 2nd week, the babies begin growing some fuzz on their body. The ears begin to grow and come flop off the head, sort of like an elephant. They are unable to hear, but they sense vibrations. They soon begin to walk a bit, like a human baby, a shaky learning experience. Late in the week, their eyes begin to open up. 
    By the third week, the more developed babies begin to behave in different manners. They do things such as trying to sit on their back end. They are able to run at this age now. Food apart from the mother's milk can now be eaten safely by the babies. Later in the week, the rats begin to eat any food on sight, spend more time awake, and roam farther than regularly. They begin to drink less of the mother's milk.

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