We were told to read an article about physics and how it proved that Santa Claus couldn't exist. He provided good evidence such as extracting 15% of children in the world due to different religious children. Another good reason was that he said that the presents and Santa Claus's weight together would take thousands of reindeers to carry. He also mentioned how they couldn't travel faster than the speed of light, and if they did, they would just burn. There were even more reasons that didn't have enough evidence. But, what valid points did the counter-arguments bring up?
   The articles that contained counter-arguments had some very valid reasons. One good reason was to explain that there definitely is a possibility, although not big, that we have yet to discover a species of flying deer. Another good reason was that if you traveled at the speed of light, time runs backwards. He also stated that there was more of a percentage of misbehaving children (possibly 20-25%). I have to side with the people who say that Santa Clause is real. Not because I really DO believe in Santa, (which I do not) but I do believe there is a bigger possibility that he does exist than we think. The side stating that Santa Claus does not exists made too many assumptions and did not provide as much evidence as the counter-arguers did. Therefore, I believe that the people who say there is a possibility that Santa Claus is real deserve more credit.

David S.
12/19/2012 05:56:00 am

Sebastion I think that you did a good job, but next time check your spelling.

12/19/2012 05:56:36 am

Good job giving evidence on claims you made about Santa being fake.

12/19/2012 05:58:29 am

Sebastion, your paragraphs were very well explained.

12/19/2012 06:01:00 am

You stated a lot of facts and it was good but it needed some more evidence.

Victor M.
12/19/2012 06:01:48 am

You did a great job, and your paragraphs are very well explained and have great explanations. Good work Sebastian

12/19/2012 06:03:29 am

Watch the spelling but other than that nice. Cool picture.


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