Evolution is the process in which an ancient animal or organism has advanced into a different creature that exists in modern times. A limited amount of resources could cause a large amount of opposition between animals. Some animals would be more fit for survival in their environment than others, because they know how to respond. This is known as adaptation, because the animal responded with a behavior or physical activity. 
   The way that overpopulation and scarce supplies essential to survival would cause evolution by
This is known as adaptation, because the animal responded with a behavior or physical activity. 
Last semester, I got an A- first quarter in science, and a B in the 2nd quarter. I noticed this, and thought about what I struggled with in the second quarter. I definitely found out pretty quickly about the unit I struggled with the most. It had to be learning about DNA. There were a lot of terms and things that I just couldn't seem to remember or even learn how to do. 
   There were so many lessons that I just couldn't keep in my mind, simply because they were things that I didn't study about enough or just simply forgot. I really hope that I can do better this quarter, but I really think it's just going to get harder every day. I need to keep focused and study harder for science, so I can improve my grade.
We were told to read an article about physics and how it proved that Santa Claus couldn't exist. He provided good evidence such as extracting 15% of children in the world due to different religious children. Another good reason was that he said that the presents and Santa Claus's weight together would take thousands of reindeers to carry. He also mentioned how they couldn't travel faster than the speed of light, and if they did, they would just burn. There were even more reasons that didn't have enough evidence. But, what valid points did the counter-arguments bring up?
   The articles that contained counter-arguments had some very valid reasons. One good reason was to explain that there definitely is a possibility, although not big, that we have yet to discover a species of flying deer. Another good reason was that if you traveled at the speed of light, time runs backwards. He also stated that there was more of a percentage of misbehaving children (possibly 20-25%). I have to side with the people who say that Santa Clause is real. Not because I really DO believe in Santa, (which I do not) but I do believe there is a bigger possibility that he does exist than we think. The side stating that Santa Claus does not exists made too many assumptions and did not provide as much evidence as the counter-arguers did. Therefore, I believe that the people who say there is a possibility that Santa Claus is real deserve more credit.

By now we all should've learned that DNA exists in every and all living things. But what happens when it needs to replicate. How does it do this? Well, here is how.
   The replication of DNA begins with the shape of the DNA. DNA is in a shape/form known as a double helix. The double helix is unwound and each strand acts as a template for the next strand. Bases are matched to synthesize the new partner strands.

   In science, we have been learning about DNA and its structure. People always say that it looks like a ladder, but there is a term for it. The term it goes by is double helix. There are four things known as bases that make up DNA. These four bases are cytosine, guanine, adenine, and thymine. Only cytosine pairs with guanine, and only adenine pairs with thymine. These are known as base pairs.
   The things that give DNA their helix shape are two long polymers called nucleotides.Only cytosine pairs with guanine, and only adenine pairs with thymine. These are known as base pairs.

    Mitosis is simply the process of creating new cells. It all begins when the original cell makes exact DNA copies of itself to duplicate. The cell begins making two exact copies of itself by developing all the important parts, such as proteins around the nucleus. These two new copies stay attached to the original cell so they don't get mixed around. After this, the nuclear membrane breaks apart.
   The two cells pinch at the middle of the cell with mitochondria and chloroplasts. This is only for eukaryote cell. 
   Lately, we have been learning about the different existing types of cells. The ones being comared here are bacteria, animal, and plant cells. Here are some comparisons of the three.
   One big thing that is different between the plant and animals to the bacteria cell is that the bacteria cell does not contain a nucleus, unlike the animal and plant cells. Another thing is that a bacterial cell has this strange tail-like part called a flagellum. The flagellum's function is to help the cell move. Another thing is that is different between an animal and a plant cell is that the animal cell does not contain chloroplast. Plant cells need chloroplasts in order to complete the process of photosynthesis. Bacterial cells have more of a primitive cell structure than the other two. Another big thing for the plant cell is that a plant cell is secure with a cell wall, unlike any other cell.

    So last week, we did a project in science. The project was to make an cell out of parts that you could eat. The purpose was to educate us yet help us enjoy ourselves. But, the science teachers sometimes think, "Should we continue doing this project?" I think that we should continue to do the project, and here are some reasons why.
   The reason that teachers do not want to continue with doing the project is because they don't think that it is worth the money and time to do it. They think that we aren't learning enough, if anything, while doing this project. I must admit that this is a valid reason because some students do not learn enough from these projects. Some students are different and tend to study the parts so that they are learning and having a fun time. We shouldn't stop doing it just because some of the students don't tend to learn from this project.


     A thing that we learned in math last year was exponents. Exponents are those little numbers floating diagonally to the right of the number. How could exponents help someone with situations that they are in every day? Well, I have some valid reasons to how they can help. Here are some that I have thought of.
    A way that exponents can help you in real life is by, of course, doing math in real life situations. Say you are organizing a game, and you need to figure out how many of a certain something you need. In this example, it can be apples. The example is, say you have 4 groups of 4 kids. You decide to give each child 5 apples. 4 to the 5th power is the exponent for that.
    Recently in science, we have been learning about different parts of both an animal and a plant cell. These parts are called organelles. All organelles work together for one very important reason - to keep you alive. What are the most important parts, in my opinion? The most important parts, in my opinion, are a cell wall, ribosome(s), and the vacuole. Here are some reasons why.
    There is one main reason why I think the cell wall is so important. Even though the cell wall is only found in a plant cell, it serves a very important function. The cell wall works with the cell membrane to decide what enters and leaves the cells. What if there was no cell wall? Anything harmful could enter the cell and destroy it completely. Another important part is a ribosome/ribosomes. Ribosomes are what produce protein for the body. Without protein, the entire body would be weak. The vacuole is a very important part. It stores food, enzymes, and such. Without a vacuole, where would all these things go? This is why these parts are so important.